Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Details of the Game!

The main purpose of this week was to hash out the actual details of the game such as how many cards we should have or what they should look like. We decided to keep the idea of two decks of cards: the items deck consisting of sixty cards and the money deck consisting of seventy-five cards.

The Items Deck:

  • 52 Item cards. (arranged in sets of two or three. making a set will double the cards value and help a player gain more points.
  • The item cards will have the following sets: Animals (3), Electronics (3), Luxuries (3), Concert tickets (3), houses (3), Cars/vehicles (3), and autographed items (2)
  • The sets will be repeated in the items deck to make it easier for players to collect them. 
  • Also, we decided to change the idea of a "trading period" and instead have ten trading time cards in the items deck. When a trading card comes up, players have the option to trade. 
  • Within the items deck, there will be 5 cards that are considered "big ticket items" When this card comes up, layers will have to bid on it blindly, that is not knowing what the actual item is.
  • We decided to categorize the item cards in a point system to determine their worth at the end of the game. 
Money Deck:

  • The money deck will have sixty money cards: 5 $5000 cards, 10 $1000 cards, 15 $500 cards, and 30 $100 cards.
  • Dummy Bid Card: allows you to skip a bid and exchange as many cards as you want. (10 will be in the deck)
  • Trading card: This card can be used when a trading time cards shows up in the items deck. It allows the player to force a trade between them and anyone of their choosing. 

What would actually be on the card:
  • Name of the item
  • Picture of the item
  • Category of the item
  • Point value (for use at the end of the game)
  • List of other items that belong in its set.
Now that all the smaller decisions have made made about our game, we can work on creating the cards and actually playing our game. By testing the game, we can fix the unexpected problems that may arise that would only be noticeable when you play. We'll see how it goes. 

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